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Mannequins and Television

mannequins on television

Mannequins are becoming a symbol and an icon of modern times.

They follow fashions and sell more and more thin and impersonal with the crisis.

They recover color and realism when a country is growing.

Our company has created a realistic line called LesPinUps with which we have also been reported on TV by the mass-media.

We are always looking for new stylistic-conceptual challenges.

Contact us: [email protected]

Mannequins and television in Italy

1) No one will ever forget the famous Alberto Sordi in the film “Catherine and I” where a mannequin robot turns into a housewife “Handyman” jealous.

2) Another famous film is “Department Stores” where the incomparable Paolo Villaggio plays a toy robot mannequin.

Mannequins and television around the world

Mannequins are also people. Or at least people in the shape of people. And sometimes they come to life on the big screen and the real humans crawl out.

1) The episode of the 1960 of “The Twilight Zone” entitled “The After Hours” (redone in 1986) Reveals what we've always thought happens in department stores: Mannequins come to life when we're not watching! In this movie, They take turns living in the real world as real people, But they have to go back to their storefronts when their time is up.

2) In the episode “Doctor Who” of 1970, “Spearhead from Space”, The bland-looking killer mannequins called “Autons” they come to life and try to conquer the Earth by shooting death rays from their plastic hands. “Doctor Who” The Hero, He can stop them, obviously.

3) Here we are again with the killer dummies, This time in an episode of the 1975 of “Kolchak: The Night Stalker” called “The Trevi Collection.”

4) In the film of the 1987 Appropriately titled “Mannequin”, A young mannequin maker creates a model so perfect that he falls in love with her and her, surprise!, comes to life. By Kim Cattrall.


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Colored Mannequins and Colorful Busts


Our company produces colorful busts and mannequins.

We can produce mannequins and busts in all available colors.

We print directly in the color you like best.

Immediate availability also for rental and sale of mannequins.

We attach those in production for AUCHAN.

Short colored busts, colorful half-leg busts, colorful busts with arms and head.


Colorful tailored busts in various fabric colors with or without arms and head.


Realistic mannequin man color blue/light blue

mannequins-colored (1)

Realistic mannequin woman red color

mannequins-colored (2)

Realistic mannequin woman green color

mannequins-colored (3)

Men's stylized orange handle

mannequins-colored (4)

Stylized mannequin woman color blue/light blue

mannequins-colored (5)

Stylized mannequin man color red

mannequins-colored (6)

Green Woman Stylized Mannequin

mannequins-colored (7)

Purple Woman Stylized Mannequin

mannequins-colored (8)

All mannequins are available in various positions and colors.

Contact Us: [email protected] – Tel. +39 051 082 78 78

Color chart

Color Folder


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Luminous Mannequins and Luminous Busts


Our company produces luminous busts and mannequins.

Possibility of having mannequins and busts with neutral white light system.

Possibility of having mannequins and busts with programmable RGB lighting system.

We attach those produced for GEOX.

LUMINOUS MANNEQUINS  mannequins-luminous (3) mannequins-luminous (4)mannequins-luminous (1)mannequins-luminous (9) mannequins-luminous (18) mannequins-luminous (19) MANNEQUINS-LUMINOUS-OK

The mannequins are translucent and have a programmable light system inside to make white light or of different colors.

Alternatively, we can rent classic mannequins at 50,00 Euro + VAT


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Dummies, What or Who I am?

Manchini History


The Dummies are a total or partial representation of the human body used to wear and display clothing. The mannequin has been and is without a doubt the most popular presentation tool used by the store.

Our "silent salespeople" are used to express at first glance all the characteristics of the store and its products. Based on their shape and type, they help to unleash the customer's imagination and present the outfits in the best possible way.

On this page you will find notions about their history, their utilization, the Types, the materials and some useful advice on How to choose the one that best suits your store!

A bit of history

The word mannequins comes from the Dutch manneken, or "little man". The first products date back to 1700, They were dolls up to fifty centimeters tall on which seamstresses made smaller versions of their garments. These "dolls" were then shipped to Europe and America to give the ladies the opportunity to carefully choose the latest fashion clothes.

Over time, the size increased until it reached its current size conforming to the standard scale dimensions 1:1 of the human body. In this regard, we recommend this interesting article from Collector's Weekly on how to Mannequins are linked to the history of man.

Where and why to use mannequins

The mannequin can be used in the shop window (Perhaps the most well-known method of use), in the entrance areas (Store Hot-Spot), in themed areas or as the head of the gondolas and islands in the middle of the room.

1. They can be used to highlight a certain "Collection" by grouping them together in a specific location in the store.

2. They can influence your customer to buy the merchandise and matching accessories.

3. Used in the shop window can convince potential customers to come into the store increasing your sales.

Types and materials



Realistic Mannequins

This type of mannequins mirrors the shapes of the human face and body as closely as possible. Faces with make-up, Wigs and hands and feet with realistic finishes are their features. Can, and in some cases they have to, be mistaken for real people in the store and are particularly suitable for wearing particular sizes or matching products (to. Example Dress with Jewelry, Bag & Footwear).

Semi-realistic mannequins

They are very similar to the previous ones but without the detail of the realistic ones. Very often they have the same shapes but "artistic" types of make-up and replaceable wigs.

Abstract mannequins

Abstract or semi-abstract mannequins have proportionate body dimensions and faces without details (e.g. Egg Heads) or with details only painted and hinted at. It is a very broad category because in recent years they have acquired considerable artistic value, unhinging realistic mannequins from the windows of the most famous boutiques. Not having well-defined and recognizable details, their average life in the store is much longer,

Headless mannequins

Headless mannequins have body proportions identical to the other types, but their reproduction stops at a hint of the neck. Because of this they can lose some appeal but, thanks to its smaller size, They are certainly suitable for shop windows or areas where height can be a problem.

Modular mannequins

This type of mannequin is equipped with articulated limbs or joints that allow you to put the mannequin in different poses. They are normally made of wood or plastic and maintaining the proportions of the human body.




The advantages of the polypropylene They are a remarkable resistance to shocks and a low cost. On the other hand, the aesthetics and quality of the mannequin suffers a lot. (To be clear, most of these mannequins are of Asian origin)


The fibreglass it is a more aesthetically pleasing material, with a very good definition of detail but a considerable fragility and let's say that it is not certaineco friendly!


The polyurethane it has good resistance and excellent definition of detail. Compared to fiberglass, it is more expensive and heavy and tends to lose its color with exposure to light.


The polyethylene is perhaps the mosteco friendly combined with a good resistance to shocks and an excellent degree of finish of the mannequin.

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History of the Mannequins



From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

The mannequin It is an object that reproduces a human being (partially or fully) with the right proportions.


The derivation of the name is still uncertain. From Dutch Manneken with meaning of Little Man. Or French Mannes, basket, with reference to the basket weavers who also made mannequins with woven wicker. There are written reports of mannequins, in Europe, Defined as big dolls, Already at the end of the 1300. Mainly sent, complete with an entire wardrobe, From the Parisian court to the other European courts. In Venice, in the eighteenth century, during the feast of the Ascension, Large dolls dressed in the latest French fashion were displayed. They were called Piavole de Franza (France dolls). Dolls dressed in European style departed from Paris and London to satisfy the richest families overseas, so that the ladies could choose their clothes in the latest fashion. From the second half of the nineteenth century, Small dolls were used on which the great seamstresses made, in small proportions, copies of their creations.

Dressmaking mannequin

Mannequins of the 1893

The tailoring mannequin, It is used to try on the clothes while they are being made. His shape and size was determined by a cast on his person.


The mannequin used in tailoring has only the middle part of the body, a torso: that is, it is headless, arms and legs, In their place there is a floor lamp to hold it, usually a tripod. Formed by a papier-mâché shell, wood or plastic, upholstered in fabric. There are those that reproduce the female form, men's and children's: They can be modified by adding or removing part of the padding to adapt them to the shape of a specific body.


Each mannequin reproduces one size, and tailors can have more than one size. Obviously, you can't build a small dress on a large size mannequin, To overcome the problem of sizes, there is a adjustable composed of a shell divided into four parts with an internal mechanism that allows them to be brought closer or further apart, by means of a screw selector switch, so you can choose the right size. For women's shoes, a device also allows you to adjust the protrusion and size of the breasts.

Featured mannequin

It is used to display clothing, so it reproduces the human figure entirely. There are basically two types: The realistic one, Product with features, colors and details that imitate people and stylized ones, where colors and features do not respect reality. Built with detachable parts, To be able to be dressed, and rotatable, to be able to make him take different positions. The showcase mannequin, as we know it today, It became widespread in the second half of the nineteenth century, in Paris, with the birth of Department Stores.

Fine arts mannequin

Articulated mannequin

Also called articulated mannequin, it is a scale model of the human body made of wood with joints that allow it to be positioned in particular poses but perfectly compatible with human physiology. It is used by artists, mainly painters and sculptors, to create reproductions of human figures in which the position of the body and limbs is natural. The articulated mannequin is made of wood and has joints that reproduce, in form and movement possibilities, human ones. In this way, different human positions can be reproduced, all natural and real.

Best Price 2016
